Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Administration ,

Moving State Government into 2030:

A Roadmap for Operations

At the Rhode Island Department of Administration (DOA), we believe that state government operations should be responsive to the needs of our citizens, adaptable to our changing environment and committed to continuous improvement.

In the plan “Rhode Island 2030: Charting a Course for the Future of the Ocean State,” Governor McKee and Lt. Governor Matos envision innovative government operations and infrastructure that would model best practices in business and capitalize on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following DOA report, “Moving State Government into 2030,” serves as a roadmap for developing the needed technology, human capital, efficiency strategies and community engagement to deliver on their Rhode Island 2030 vision and to provide our citizens with the quality service they deserve.


By 2030, the State will modernize Rhode Island's state government infrastructure to provide for greater employee productivity, operational efficiency, constituent experiences, and program performance by investing in four core themes highlighted below.

Enabling Technology

Technology in Rhode Island

Enabling efficiency through the implementation of secure, modern technology infrastructure.


Human Capital

Human Capital in Rhode Island

Developing a highly-skilled, productive, diverse, and engaged state employee workforce.


Cost Savings & Efficiency

Cost savings in Rhode Island

Innovating to improve operational performance and data-driven decision making.



Community Engagement

Community Engagement in Rhode Island

Promoting discourse, incorporating public feedback, and increasing access to information.